Shameless Honesty

The honesty I was raised with had an asterisk. It had a footnote that said, “But be nice about it.” Be honest, but make us look good. Don’t disagree. Keep us comfortable. Stay inside these lines.

Shameless honesty is all about saying what we mean and meaning what we say. It’s not judging other people for their thoughts, their opinions, their feelings, and not being ashamed of our own. It's being curious. Looking for mutual understanding, even amid conflict. Choosing to extend empathy and compassion. It's honesty, wrapped in love, without the asterisk.

What's New:

The word "Christmas" comes from the Christ Mass, a liturgical service in celebration of the birth of Jesus. In science, "mass" is the measure of how much of something there is. Here on earth, the mass of something is essentially equal to its weight, or the pull of ...  (Read more)